Ne viens vien mazāk zinošs sēņotājs nobīstas no nogrieztās rudzupuķu smilšbekas straujās un stiprās zilēšanas un pamet to turpat, kur atradis.
Arī eksemplārs apakšējos foto ir tāds pamestais, taču mūsu pievākts un nogādāts uz Līgatnes dabas taku todien sarīkotās
Sēņu dienas izstādi. Bekai krietnu brīdi stāvot nogrieztai, zilējums bija jau daļēji nogājis.
Bet daudzi citi zilēšanas dēļ pamestie eksemplāri ir nonākuši uz mūsu pannas!
Less knowledgeable mushroom hunters are often afraid of the quick and intense tinting of this mushroom and discard it where they had found it.
One on the bottom images had suffered exactly such a fate, but was picked up by us and delivered to the open-air mushroom exhibition
which was taking place at Ligatne Nature Trails (70 km from Riga in Gauja National Park) that day.
During the several hours after having been cut, the mushroom had partially lost the intense blue tint of the
touched and cut parts. Meanwhile, few other discarded ones have ended up on our pan!